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All-Levels Yoga Class

Having a ruff day? Grab your pup and meet us at Dog City for a Doga session! Doga is a traditional yoga class for you and your furry best friend! This is an all-levels class. All breeds, sizes and ages of dogs are welcome as well! Classes will be held in the lobby area. All you need is you, your pup, and your yoga mat! If you don't have a dog, no worries-there will be plenty there to support you!!

In this Doga session, you will learn how to steady your breathing, calm your mind, and strengthen your muscles all while surrounded by loving canines roaming about your yoga mat.

Professional yoga instruction will be provided by Molly Shea, RYT, DPT. $8/class.

First class Sunday, January 13th 10-11am

You can purchase by first registering yourself on our website. Then giving us a call or dropping in to purchase this Class. If this is as big of a hit as we think it will be, we'll be adding it to the list of services you can book online.

Dog City 

810 Venture Ct 

Waukesha, WI 53189

Hours of Operation:


Monday -  Friday:    6:30am - 7:00pm

Sat/Sun for boarding:  6:30am - 9:30am

                                        4:00pm - 7:00pm


©2024 by Dog City. 

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